Wednesday, 30 July 2014

dun na, dun na (Jaws theme song)

Coming this week! Not one but two projects!

I bought a vanity from Kijiji a month ago, promising the very nice bed-and-breakfast owners I would come get it on my vacation. So today my dad and I drove down to Bobcaygeon to pick up this gem:

That beauty is just waiting for me to get my hands on it. 

And then, as if it were my birthday, I found out that my parents were throwing out the dining room table from our small old cottage.

So, stick around as I attempt to copy things I've seen in magazines.

Monday, 28 July 2014


I'm jonesing for an Ikea catalogue. There's nothing like dog-earing pages of ideas and furniture you don't need 49 months to pay off.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

New Stuff is SO Expensive

Today, I went to a popular furniture store that caters to 55 year olds who live in 2500 sq ft suburban homes. It was the most expensive store I've ever been in.  

Who is spending $1000 on anything? I've been dressing up inexpensive things for so long I literally shutter at the thought of paying full price.

Tomorrow I will hit up some salvation army stores and next week I'm picking up paint for my furniture. Stay tuned when I tell you what I think is needed to paint Ikea laminate based off reading other people's blogs, who aren't as candid as I am!

-Until I get Bored