Wednesday, 23 July 2014

The Obligatory "Why I'm doing this" Post

I never realized I was a fickle person until I applied for my new apartment. After mice and leaks in my first home-away-from-my-parents-home, I decided it was time for an upgrade. So when I handed in the cheque to secure the new Chez Mandy, naturally the first place I went was Pinterest! And boy, did they have all the ideas under the sun. Time moves quickly in the realm of Pinterest, and all of a sudden, you realize it's 4 a.m. on a Tuesday morning.

As I scrolled through my e-vision board, however, I saw all the makeup techniques that I had been feverishly pinning just a few weeks before, and I remembered that makeup had been my obsession for months until the idea of DIY'ing a new apartment surpassed the joy makeup once brought me!

And before that, it was nails. 

And before that, it was stand up comedy. 

(Ok that's not me, it's Sarah Silverman from her show in Toronto)

So, I decided to write a stupid blog to show someone what I spend my time doing, should the cops ever ask. And, until I get bored, that thing I'm spending my time doing is DIY baby! Come along for the ride as I learn the do's and are-you-kiddings-?! of movin' on up.